4 Best And Worst Moments Of Bret Hart's WCW Career

The Worst Moments

4. Debut

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1li93_nwo-announce-arrival-of-bret-hart_sport We€™ve all seen the footage, and we all know the story backwards and forward. The Montreal Screwjob is one of, if not the, most controversial event in the history of sports-entertainment. Bret Hart was on his way out of the then-WWF and was headed for rival World Championship Wrestling. Fans watched in shock during the conclusion of the 1997 Survivor Series, as Bret wrote the letters €œWCW€ in the air. What would happen when the Hitman showed up on Nitro? Would he face-off with Hollywood Hogan and the New World Order? Would he challenge Ric Flair to see who really was the best of all time? Or would he and Sting battle to determine the real master of the Sharpshooter/Scorpion Death Lock? In fact, Bret would do nothing of the sort upon his highly anticipated debut down South. Instead -- due to a 60-day no compete clause from the WWF -- J.J. Dillon would announce the Excellence of Execution as the special guest referee for the not-so eagerly awaited bout between Eric Bischoff and Larry Zbyszko. Yes, Bret Hart, the hottest commodity and most over babyface in wrestling at the time was to be an official in a match between a nearly 50-year-old man and the president of WCW -- who, by the way, had never competed inside the ring before. Starrcade was WCW€™s equivalent of WrestleMania -- their biggest event of the year -- and in 1997, WCW and Bret Hart were white hot. Ultimately, Bret would also get involved in the flagship PPV€™s main event -- although it was again in a refereeing capacity. Quite frankly, Hart€™s lackluster debut was a disappointment and ultimately, a sign of things to come for the Hitman.
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Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.