4 Best And Worst Moments Of Bret Hart's WCW Career

3. New World Order

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ysbjRH88HA The New World Order -- or nWo -- had put WCW on the proverbial map. It took the wrestling world by storm, and launched a company that had run neck-and-neck with Vince McMahon€™s Federation into the stratosphere -- besting the WWF for a lauded 84 consecutive weeks during the hotly contested Monday Night War. The heel faction started out as a small group of former Northerners -- consisting of Hollywood Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall -- hell bent on destroying WCW from the inside-out. Steadily, however, the group grew in almost laughable size. It seemed that the nWo had nearly as many members than WCW had on its entire roster. The nWo gained another member when Bret Hart joined their ranks, just four short months after debuting. Bret was never officially declared a member, instead being referred to as an associate. However, he was undoubtedly part of the crew, aiding fellow members when needed, and even tagging with the nWo€™s leader, Hollywood Hogan on a few occasions. It was an ill-fated move made by the booking team of WCW. They had taken the hottest babyface in the entire wrestling world -- stemming from the incident in Montreal -- and had turned him heel, when it made absolutely no sense to do so. Bret€™s WCW career was already in a downturn after his previously mentioned lackluster debut, and this did nothing to help matters. Hit1 Slowly, by the end of the year, Bret began to distance himself from the nWo and shift his attention to bigger and better things -- namely the World Heavyweight Championship. Unquestionably, however, the damage had already been done. Hart had come into the company as a white hot face, and in the span of only a few months, WCW had derailed his momentum. Bret would again dance with the devil, when he formed the nWo 2000, alongside Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Jeff Jarrett in late 1999. However, just weeks later on the January 10th edition of Monday Nitro, he defended and lost the WCW Championship against Kevin Nash in what would be his final wrestling match, before retiring due to an injury he sustained at the hands of Bill Goldberg.
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Bret Hart
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Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.