4 Ups & 10 Downs From WWE Raw (Sep 7)
2. Raw Underground Resolves Nothing
It looks like WWE is trying to solve one of its biggest problems with Raw Underground, but they aren’t actually solving anything.
One of the biggest shortcomings with WWE’s version of Fight Club is that there are no stakes other than just trying to prove yourself in a no-holds-barred atmosphere. There’s no title, no prize, no real determination of who is doing well, because it’s tough to follow week to week.
So to add some stakes, they had Kevin Owens and Aleister Black take their budding feud inside Raw Underground, where they fought throughout the 10pm hour in multiple segments. They basically brawled with a lot of punches, takedowns, and MMA-style submissions and mat-fighting.
But then, Dabba-Kato reappeared to attack both men, laying them out with slams and ending the fight with no resolution. And thus Raw Underground was rendered meaningless, as we got mediocre brawling and no winner.
That’s not exactly the sort of thing you’re looking for here.