4 Ups & 10 Downs From WWE Raw (Sep 7)
8. More Tag Team Turmoil

Let’s get this straight: Raw’s tag team division essentially has been whittled down to the champs the Street Profits, Viking Raiders and Andrade & Angel Garza, with a couple of random duos.
So with a nearly nonexistent tag team division, it only made sense Monday night that we saw two tag teams disintegrate. First, Ricochet & Cedric Alexander imploded when Cedric turned on his teammates in a six-man tag match to join(?) the Hurt Business. That ended a tag team that had a ton of potential but never went anywhere.
Then, just minutes later, the duo of Andrade & Angel Garza had their 87th incidence of turmoil, with Garza walking off shortly into a match against the Street Profits, leading to Andrade losing. And this maybe is the end of that underachieving tag team.
Who’s the genius who booked two tag teams to break up on the same episode, even the same hour, of Raw? Just a stupid decision.