4 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage (18 May - Results & Review)

2. Cage & Bowens Show Out

Brian Cage

Saturday's final match was worth waiting on.

Brian Cage and Anthony Bowens meshed well together, because both are big dudes who marry that power sensibility with speed. It was a match made in heaven in execution, and it's worth saying that Bowens is impressive every time he steps into the ring for a singles outing. Might be time for Anthony to move on from Max Caster, people.

Then, there's Cage. He's a dependable hand, and it was a smart decision to give him the win considering Bri just turned on old Mogul Embassy leader Swerve Strickland. Obviously, Cage isn't in the same league as Swerve these days and won't be taking the AEW World Title from him, but that shouldn't bar Brian from grabbing a few victories.

Arguably, the bout could've done without Cage doing his best Kenny Omega impression with the Terminator gee up, but that's a small gripe overall. He and Bowens matched well out there from the off, and really seemed to be enjoying themselves around halfway through.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.