4 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage (April 22)

3. Respect…

Jon Moxley Christopher Daniels

Yours truly really enjoyed the match between Christopher Daniels and Jon Moxley. First of all, seeing Daniels on TV in a bout this long feels like a treat nowadays. Second, Mox's subtle increase in violence as the match progressed, almost like he was struggling to keep a lid on his bloodlust, was very well done.

The way he borderline licked his lips after planting Daniels on the ring steps outside the ring pre-ad break worked. Also, hey, this was a rare match for Moxley. He didn't bleed! That was a bonus, 'cause he's been doing a bit much of that lately, and it's been playing before diminishing returns.

Everything these guys did clicked.

Brownie points go to Excalibur for pointing out that Moxley relinquished his match-winning submission hold on Daniels as soon as the bell sounded. That's out of character at the moment, so it sold the respect he has for "CD". Then...

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AEW Rampage
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