4 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage (Aug 11)

AEW showcases two must see matches; All In gets a match it doesn't need?

Brian Cage

More face-painted tag-teams, please. Who could've known that the secret to AEW's relentless need to shove random wrestlers together in 'creative has nothing else for you' duos was reaching for some Road Warriors/Powers Of Pain/Demolition paints?! Seriously though, Brian Cage's confidence has gone through the roof since he started teaming with Big Bill.

It's great to see, and it wasn't the only positive from Rampage.

Look, everyone (including this writer) has had to take a reality check since Collision's launch. Rampage hit the skids long before that, but it's comfortably slotting into that 'C' position now. Is everything magic or even worth your time? Nah, not really, but you are guaranteed to see some fun matches, and Tony Khan is trying his best to keep the show relevant by sprinkling in some supershow hype.

All In was the natural focus on Friday night, and rightly so. AEW announced a new match for the 'Zero Hour' pre-show, advanced someone else in the Women's Title picture, and generally spoke about Wembley in glowing terms. Again, not everything they tried worked, but you can't blame them for giving it a go.

Here's all the good and bad from an episode not even pic-in-pic ad breaks could spoil!

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.