4 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Aug 13)

1. A Flat Ending

Britt Baker Jamie Hayter

Britt Baker is one of the best characters in pro wrestling. She's no Roman Reigns, but few are, and she has that cool Becky Lynch vibe to her. Long story short, yours truly believes Britt's 'D.M.D' shtick has made AEW's women's division relevant. Sadly, her match with Red Velvet on Rampage didn't reflect that.

Who thought this was the way to go?

Baker was the biggest babyface ever in her hometown of "Brittsburgh". Rather than embrace that for one night only, AEW elected to double down on the heel thing by having Rebel cheat at ringside. Then, to top it all off, they booked Jamie Hayter to make a sudden return (which got no reaction) and align with the champ.

Also, what was up with Velvet hesitating to attack Britt's wrist? She was vicious on Dynamite recently, and even said during her pre-match promo that she'd end Baker's reign by any means necessary. Then, come crunch time, she didn't want to attack the obvious weak point.

This was a flat ending overall.

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AEW Rampage
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