4 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Aug 13)

2. He Got A Contract Anyway?

Same Guevara Fuego Del Sol

Right, so one of Rampage's big lures was that Fuego Del Sol could get signed to an AEW contract if he pulled off the seemingly-impossible and beat Miro in a TNT Title match. Better yet, Del Sol wouldn't even have to win the title - he could take a countout win and then enjoy those sweet Khan dollars.

Miro squashed him (more on that later), but the masked man...got a deal anyway.

It's always naff when pro wrestling does this sort of thing. Del Sol didn't get the job done, so Tony came out with Sammy Guevara and the Inner Circle man revealed that Fuego was getting some AEW paper regardless. Huh? What was the point in booking the match then? Disappointment and slow-burning redemption is part of wrestling.

This came across as nepotism and nothing more. You lost, son, but here's a contract 'cause your real-life best friend asked Khan to give you a chance. That's rubbish. Maybe this writer is just a cynic though, because the live crowd lapped it up.

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AEW Rampage
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