4 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Aug 27)
2. A Senseless Move

Fuego Del Sol's loss to Miro and AEW contract offer was a huge part of the first Rampage a few weeks back. That rushed effort was annoying enough without this, equally-as-rushed, follow-up. Seriously, why the f*ck would you unmask Del Sol mere weeks into his higher-profile run with the company?
This was dumb.
If WWE did this, people would be outraged, and rightly so. Imagine they pushed Gran Metalik (for example) to the forefront, then had Sheamus rip his mask of to set up a totally separate rivalry with Damian Priest. That's sorta what happened here with Miro, Fuego and Eddie Kingston, and AEW don't get a pass for it.
Where's that slow burn storytelling the promotion has become known for? It's like Vince Russo was temporarily put in charge of Rampage, saw the Miro vs. Kingston feud and thought, 'Y'know what? We need something extra in there'.
Too. Much.