4 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Mar 18)


3. Rinse And Repeat

The Hardy Boyz Matt Jeff Darby Allin

Hey, look! It's Matt and Jeff Hardy, and they're rolling out to save Darby Allin and Sting from a kicking at the hands of some heels. If reading that sentence gave you a case of deja vu, then don't worry - it should, because pretty much the same thing happened on last week's Rampage.

Did AEW forget, or something?

Yes, The Hardys were returning the favour here, but...Sting and Darby's heroic run-in on Dynamite was a returned favour itself. So, were Matt and Jeff returning the favour for a returned favour after they did their new buddies a favour? Who knows why this happened twice.

It's not like Tony Khan to get this lazy with the booking. Yours truly hates to rag on The Hardys so much too, but this is such a 'been there, done that' scenario with them, and Allin should probably be having banger matches on his own vs. Andrade El Idolo.

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AEW Rampage
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