4 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Mar 18)

3. House Of Black

Malakai Black Brody King Buddy Matthews House Of Black

Speaking of acts that were on fire!

Malakai Black, Buddy Matthews and Brody King were in no mood to mess about during their squash-style six-man vs. Fuego Del Sol and Bear Country. The bout lasted just a few minutes, but it was a winner from start to finish. The dominant House Of Black trio gave Del Sol just enough to maintain interest.

Bear Bronson and Bear Boulder got f*ck all, but this wasn't really about them anyway, and they're likely happy just to be on TV these days; that's not meant as an insult, by the way. It's just...when you're a physically big tag-team getting creamed in squashes, then you're hardly in the minds of creative.

Maybe their time will come. For now, All Elite's braintrust are doubling down on the Black/Matthews/King threesome. They've got something about them (which fans who watched Black's matches with Buddy in WWE shouldn't be surprised by).

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