4 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Nov 12)

1. Matt Hardy Wins

Matt Hardy

Saying all that, this writer still didn't like Hardy vs. Orange going in. It's been a bit of a silly feud, and not in a good way; Hardy isn't all that interesting these days either, and the rivalry feels like a waste of Cassidy after some big moments opposite Chris Jericho, Kenny Omega and more over the past year or so.

Now he's...losing to Matt in lumberjacks? Come on, AEW.

This might not be the end of their issue, but the whole exercise has been a colossal dud so far. Orange is busy staring at the lights for Hardy (following clumsy-looking elbows) when he should be on the same trajectory as guys like MJF, Jungle Boy or even Dante Martin.

Truthfully, that was a concern this fan expressed during Cassidy's earliest days on the AEW roster. People were going daft for the guy, and yet there always seemed to be something a bit too one-dimensional about his character that'd hold him back.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.