4 Ups & 3 Downs From This Week's Impact Wrestling (Oct 4)


3. The Feud Lives On

So, Allie and Su Yung are still at each other's throats. Yay?

Granted, they are now scheduled for a Monster's Ball match on 14 October which could completely change the direction of their rivalry. But right now, it's getting a bit tiresome seeing the same sort of thing week in and week out. This week's showing: Su Yung vs Allie's pal Kiera Hogan. The victor was of course Su, who then trapped Hogan in a coffin. Maybe she'll meet Rosemary in there at some point.

Considering the coffin has been one of the main focal points of the entire rivalry, the end of the issues between them should have realistically been the Last Rites Match they had a few months ago. After all, that is essentially Impact's answer to a Casket Match. It's understandable that Allie wants payback for what happened to Rosemary but if she's failing time and time again, it's all a bit pointless if she never gets one over on Yung.

If Allie loses the match at BFG, this entire rivalry will have been majorly pointless.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.