4 Ups & 3 Downs From This Week's Impact Wrestling (Oct 4)

2. Dummy, Yeah!

This time last year, Eli Drake was heading in to Bound For Glory as the reigning World Champion. These days, he's issuing random open challenges. For what exact reason though?

These challenges sort of came out of nowhere, as did his brief alliance with the Cult of Lee. That alliance made less sense when Trevor Lee answered the challenge one week. It was La Parka who ventured out to face Drake this week.

It's frustrating to see how far Eli has fallen down the card, especially after seeing how much he had worked his way up. It's not as if this was just a one time thing either, seeing as this has been his Impact career for the past number of weeks. What's it doing for him in terms of the long-term future though?

Eli might as well stop calling people dummies because at this stage, the only real dummy is him.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.