4 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE NXT UK (15 April)


3. WWE's Style Of Comedy

Jinny Joseph Conners NXT UK

There’s not much to say on these two segments, but they’re worth bringing up for how poor they were.

First off, Sam Gradwell showed up to the UK Performance Center, only to find the training facility was locked by Dave Mastiff. ‘The Thunderstorm’ then claimed that he was ‘The Season’. Cool nickname, bro.

Later in the episode, Jinny – flanked by Joseph Conners – cut a scathing promo towards Dani Luna, blasting her for wearing the same dirty gear every week while Jinny spends fortunes wearing only the best outfits. This promo was pointless; the duo haven’t interacted until this promo, so why was Jinny so frustrated with Luna’s gear?

This is, like the opening to Supernova Sessions was, WWE booking at its absolute worst. They just don’t understand what comedy should be, and are instead left looking like try-hards. Not good.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.