4 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Dec 24)


3. That Main Event

Drew McIntyre Happy Corbin

The Xmas-tastic 'Miracle On 34th Street Fights' are so formulaic and spectacularly dull in 2021. WWE obviously love these, and they will appeal to some younger fans out there (or those who just want to kick back and see some festive silliness), but it'd be nice to see the E come up with something fresh.

There are only so many times one can see heels like Happy Corbin get some sort of food stuff/sh*t/pet food dumped all over him before it becomes tedious. Things are well beyond that point now - the joke is old, and only Vince McMahon is really laughing.

That wasn't the main event's only issue.

Seeing Madcap Moss team with The Usos felt off when Jimmy and Jey have been involved in super-serious stuff alongside Roman Reigns over the past year or so. Their threesome dynamic was a weird one; the same could arguably be said for Drew McIntyre larking about with New Day.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.