4 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (31 May - Results & Review)

2. Decent Main Event

Rey Fenix Isiah Kassidy

As the intro stated, poor Rey Fenix has been real unlucky with injuries over the piece. They've stalled any momentum he's tried to build, but maybe Rampage can be pinpointed as the start of his ride back towards singles glory. Fenix certainly looked the part vs. Isiah Kassidy on Friday night. Let's look on the bright side here.

Rey deserves that.

Both he and his Lucha Bros partner Penta worked excellent one-on-one matches on the same card. That's special, not least because it would've been easy to lump both into the same situation for an easy, high-quality tag. AEW decided not to do that on Rampage. Instead, they wanted to see two members of Death Triangle bask in the spotlight solo.

Fenix ended the night on a high by smacking Kassidy down with a move even Excalibur couldn't name. Tony Schiavone didn't even try, which got a laugh on this end. Headlining episodes of Rampage can be a tough gig, but Fenix and Kassidy have clear chemistry and did their best to put on a show.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.