4 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (31 May - Results & Review)

3. The Upside To That Women’s Bout

Toni Storm Viva Van

Here's the upside to Viva Van's eliminator opposite Toni Storm.

No, it won't mean a thing going forwards, but the match was a neat showing from both women. This might surprise a few readers, but yours truly actually enjoyed it a lot more than Toni's title defence vs. Serena Deeb at Double Or Nothing. Storm excels when she's taken aback by opponents who turn out to be tougher than expected.

This bout had good pacing, and Viva was presented as somebody who can hang in there despite being beneath Toni in terms of overall class. Van can be proud of this match, put it that way. If only she was in a company capable of rewarding people who seize sudden opportunities. That'd be lovely.

In a perfect world, AEW's braintrust would take Viva's performance here and turn it into something people remember. Sadly, as they've shown with others like Queen Aminata, it'll be onto the next flavour of the month for Tony and pals. Still, Van and Storm had a match worth seeing.

Check it out.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.