4 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (July 1)

2. Needs Fine-Tuning

AEW Royal Rampage

It was an interesting concept to have two separate Rumbles going on in different rings on Rampage. It really, really was, and the "Royal Rampage" is something AEW should try again - they'll defo have to fine-tune the crap out of it though, because this first attempt was too hard to keep track of.

There were so many camera angle changes that even Kevin Dunn would've told producers to calm it, and the announcers had a tough time keeping abreast of everything that was going on between both rings. The match had a fun, all-action vibe, but the lack of a clear visual difference between the "red" and "blue" rings hurt it.

Also, everybody got a full entrance.

If you like seeing loads of entrances with little in between, then this was the match for you. It's clear that AEW's creative nucleus needs to sit down and thrash out ways to improve on the formula before they give "Royal Rampage" another whirl.

Interesting experiment, but a bit too chaotic and messy.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.