4 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (Oct 21)


4. What Was The Point?

Mark Sterling The Acclaimed

Excalibur, JR and Tony Schiavone all tried to make some huge deal out of the stipulation for The Acclaimed vs. Varsity Athletes. Apparently, fighting for the "Scissor Me" trademark was a bigger deal than wrestling for the AEW Tag-Team Titles. Who knew?

The whole thing was pointless anyway, because this story ran for a few short weeks before it was ended here. Josh Woods and Tony Nese got new ring gear made for nothing, basically. No complaints about programming these teams together, but at least try to make it mean something.

Onto the next.

One has to wonder why Tony Khan bothers with these mini-feuds in the first place. All this really achieved was setting the newly-formed Varsity Athletes squad up for failure when that was totally avoidable and they deserve so much better.

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