4 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Aug 11)

3. Prepping A Killer Match

Edge Sheamus WWE 2023

Wow, this wasn't an easy spot to put Edge and Sheamus in.

They had to run through a lot of context to sell a match on next week's show, but both vets managed it with aplomb. Edge spoke about falling off a bike whilst cycling with Sheamus, and explained how that set wheels in motion (ahem) for an unlikely return at the 2020 Royal Rumble.

The pair shared some jokes and lighthearted jibes, then threatened to get a little more serious before signing off for the night. Their banter felt natural, and that's not something one can always say about pro wrestling skits arranged so hastily between "good friends". Sometimes, being honest, they can be a cringe-fest.

SmackDown's version wasn't that. It arguably went on a bit too long and laboured the point, but fans in Calgary were pleasantly surprised to see Edge so it didn't matter. Besides, every appearance the dude makes should be treasured by this stage in the game.

Good job.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.