4 Ups & 5 Downs From AEW Rampage (Sept 2)


5. Hook’s “Promos”

Hook 2.0

Hook popping up on Rampage every week is fine if he's wrestling, but AEW needs to drop his lifeless promo skits from the program. Calling them "promos" might be false advertising anyway, because everyone tuning in knows the FTW Champ will say nothing of value (if he speaks at all).

The joke's old, guys.

This week, Hook said nothing then Angelo Parker and Matt Menard interrupted him for some last-minute All Out hype. The problem? Their title bout isn't even on the main card, and it didn't exactly make 2.0 look great when they started sh*tting bricks as soon as Hook took his t-shirt off either.

Sunday's match result is already a formality, so the heels had to carry at least some threat beforehand. Sadly, they haven't - not even close. Why didn't they attack with the two-on-one advantage and try to weaken the champ?

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AEW Rampage
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