4 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (20 Sept - Results & Review)

1. SmackDown Loses Some Momentum

Kevin Owens Tama Tonga Loa Bloodline

Last week's season premiere was front-loaded and dressed to impress, but this week's show was a step back despite some of the better moments. The whole evening just didn't feel as grand or vibrant. Perhaps that was inevitable, and it's true not every show throughout the year can be world class. Still, WWE should be bending over backwards to make a good impression on USA.

Too much was tepid and filler this week.

The show chugged more than any two-hour window should. Being honest, that's not criticism one could sling at Hunter's product too often. Even his three-hour Raws zip along nicely without degenerating into a humdrum slog like the flagship did for too long pre-Vince disappearance.

SmackDown kinda did get too start/stop. Even The Bloodline's involvement meandered, and they've been one of the most dangerously exciting aspects of programming for a while now. Here's hoping this is just a minor blip and things will pick up again soon.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.