4 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (June 17)


5. This Is All The Tag Division Gets?

Jinder Mahal Shanky

New Day vs. Shanky and Jinder Mahal was bad TV, man.

Shanky dancing sucks, Jinder hating it sucks, and both Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston are wasted in this kind of situation. Their tag match only lasted three minutes, but that was three minutes too long. One must ask: How is this sh*te supposed to make the rest of the division look like a threat to The Usos?

A dancing big man, his unhappy partner and two icons of the tag game who'd rather run musical interludes or laugh at Happy Corbin? Yeah, that's not a strong look for the doubles ranks in WWE. The Viking Raiders are set to return next week though, which will be fun until creative overlooks them again.

You've gotta be worried if you enjoy tag-team wrestling. The Usos vs. Street Profits (then probably The Raiders again after that) is all this division has to offer. Things are looking bad, people, and they're only going to get worse.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.