4 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (March 29 - Results & Review)


5. Weak Tag Number One

Randy Orton Logan Paul

Brace yourselves for a fair bit of negativity on all three of Friday's tag bouts.

First up, Randy Orton and Kevin Owens vs. Pretty Deadly. Christ knows why KO and Randy are happy to team up when they'll be rivals for US gold next week. Yes, they've got a common enemy in Logan Paul, but it isn't making the build very interesting at all. It's really bloody weak, actually.

There's zero tension between the babyfaces, which is a problem. WWE will presumably try to cram some in when Randy is on KO's talk show next week, but that's too little and far too late. Man, it sucks to bash a segment so badly considering Pretty Deadly got the win (which they kinda needed), however...honesty is important.

This scrap was short without being sweet, and everything feels rather forced about the Triple Threat for LP's United States Title. Remember that interest in seeing Orton work with Paul? Yeah, company creative has squashed that with some seriously tepid booking ever since.

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