4 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Nov 26)


5. “Cesaro Steals A Win”

Cesaro Ridge Holland

Babyfaces like Cesaro shouldn't be "stealing wins".

That's how Michael Cole framed his victory over newcomer Ridge Holland on this week's show though. According to Cole, Cesaro nabbed a fast one over Ridge and left Sheamus speechless. The presentation was all over the place here; Sheamus hyped Ridge up, then watched him slip on the proverbial banana peel.

Meanwhile, Cesaro was presented as an opportunist rather than the pure wrestling machine he is. Who knows why the writing team felt this was the correct way to close this match when they had an easier solution (a more definitive win) staring them in the face. It's hardly a disgrace if Holland loses to Cesaro's finish, is it?

The Swiss cyborg was wrestling for the Universal Title earlier this year, and Ridge is a SmackDown newbie who needs some more seasoning. Everybody can see that, so why hide his first loss behind the annoying idea that Cesaro "stole one"?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.