4 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Oct 9)
2. Bayley Avoids (Most Of) Sasha's Revenge

There's no avoiding the truth: Bayley vs. Sasha Banks in a straight-up pro wrestling match wasn't necessary at this stage in their rivalry. It was hardly believable when Sasha waited on her old partner to enter the ring before tearing into her, nor that the wronged babyface of the situation could be expected to follow rules.
Thankfully, both women were smart enough to made this more of an angle than a full-blown match. Then, they won this writer back over by having Bayley avoid most of Sasha's revenge - that should be left for Hell In A Cell. There, Banks can blast her former pal with steel chair shots, take her belt and possibly injure her neck.
Comeuppance is coming.
No, it wasn't awesome to see Sasha forget all about her own kayfabe neck woes, but the segment was generally strong other than that. Bayley powdering before she suffered the same fate as Banks several weeks ago was sensible storytelling.