4 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE Raw (24 Mar - Results & Review)
6. Tag Division On Ice

Just a friendly reminder that Raw has a tag team division and their own tag titles.
WWE did remind fans of this Monday via an extremely brief video package for the War Raiders, the tag champs who last competed three weeks ago, immediately followed by the New Day kvetching that they wanted a tag title match at WrestleMania and getting bitched out by exasperated Raw GM Adam Pearce.
To be fair, Pearce was right to tell Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods that they should be looking to earn a title match at 'Mania, but the Raw tag division has been dire for such a while now, and then seeing them throw this out there with only three more episodes until WrestleMania was just ridiculous.
How hard is it to throw a tag match out there or give a bit of care to the division beyond a 20-second video package and 30-second backstage segment involving the likely challengers?