4 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (April 22)
2. Killing Good Talent With Bad Booking
Could WWE possibly stall any more?
Sami Zayn panics pre-match, runs away once the bell rings and Drew McIntyre stands tall. That's all there is to this mini-feud between both men, and it's difficult to see how the story is helping either of them. Next week, they'll meet in a cage. That better be the blowoff.
Zayn and McIntyre aren't the only ones being weighed down by WWE's mediocre booking though. Roman Reigns looked like a total tool for believing anything that Sami had to say, for example. Isn't the Undisputed Champ supposed to be super-smart, wily and powerful?
There wasn't much to enjoy during the 'Lumberjack' main event, sadly. Workers as good as Drew, Sami and Roman shouldn't be getting bogged down by this sort of thing. They're far too talented for such wishy-washy nonsense that doesn't appear to be going anywhere.