4 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Feb 11)

2. At Least He Hyped Things

Goldberg Michael Cole

Who would've thought that Goldberg's sit-down with Cole would achieve more than Roman's? That was surprising. Big Bill's introspective interview was passionate and simple to follow - that's all anyone can really ask from these formulaic segments in 2022.

Goldberg steered things in the right direction after Reigns and Heyman obliterated Elimination Chamber and WrestleMania's purpose early doors. The Universal Title challenger's energy came across well, and the way he burned through Roman's current moniker to link back to the scrapped match at 'Mania 36 was cool.

If this was a rescue mission, then it was mission accomplished.

Bill talked up what will happen in Saudi Arabia, and even teased a 'Mania 33 rematch vs. Brock Lesnar come April's mega-show. The skit was exactly what it needed to be from beginning to end, and didn't try to be too clever. That's why it gets an 'Up'.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.