4 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Feb 11)

3. Another Banger

Humberto Kofi Kingston

New Day and Los Lotharios had an absolute corker of a match on last week's SmackDown, and it's one well-worth going out of your way to see if you haven't had the pleasure. Or, you could settle in, get cosy and check out the repeat on Friday's episode. It was more of the same, but that's not a bad thing.

Angel and Humberto deserved this.

Yes, WWE reverted to type and went 50/50 with the booking (it's one win apiece for both squads now), and that's bothersome. Really though, the fact that those Lotharios are being taken seriously by creative is more important than tired promotional tropes. If the writers come through for them like this more consistently, then you're looking at future tag champs.

Credit to Kofi Kingston and Big E for doing everything in their power to make Angel and Humberto look like stars too. Again, this guy is choosing to ignore the 50/50 style and the lame rollup finish to focus more on Los Lotharios picking up a victory and the hot 10 minutes that preceded it.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.