4 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Feb 11)

3. Cesaro = Jobber?!

Happy Corbin Cesaro

That subheading hurts.

Cesaro was having WrestleMania moments and working Universal Title programs just last year. Now, WWE aren't even giving the poor bastard an entrance and he's losing to Happy Corbin without putting up much of a fight. How much more of this can the guy be expected to take?!

The bloom is off the rose with Corbin's happy-go-luck character, but this fan still doesn't think he's as horrible as most. Should he be hammering Cesaro and facing Drew McIntyre at 'Mania 38 though? Nah, absolutely not. Madcap Moss' dreadful jokes can f*ck right off too.

This week's show was a horrible misuse of world class talent. Cesaro has gone from swinging Seth Rollins around and taking Roman Reigns all the way to teaming with Mansoor and jobbing like he's Salvatore Sincere on some In Your House 'Free For All'.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.