4 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Feb 11)

2. Why Are They Talking Everything Down?

Paul Heyman Roman Reigns

Speaking of going from this to that - Roman Reigns has gone from treating Brock Lesnar like a huge threat to acting like his 'Mania opponent is yesterday's news. He's also threatening to "Goldberg Goldberg" (as in, squash him), and it's coming across as so counterproductive.

He and Paul Heyman were predictably fun at points during their sit-down with Michael Cole, but rubbishing what's going to be one of Wrestle-bloody-Mania's main events is a questionable strategy from WWE. If Roman doesn't think that facing Brock is worthwhile, then why should anybody else?

Come on now.

This segment, whilst well-performed, was a misstep for Reigns as Universal Champ. Heyman should've known better than to let his charge dismiss both the coming Elimination Chamber challenge of Goldberg and April's supershow rival. Why did they do this?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.