4 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Sep 24)

3. Naomi’s Fire

Naomi WWE SmackDown

Screw "Glow", 'cause Naomi has fire.

The comeback queen's odd storyline with Sonya Deville was always one of those you felt could fizzle out. It's definitely the kind of thing WWE typically loses interest in and moves on from without tying up loose ends, but not this time. Naomi cut a slick promo on Sonya in-ring then got punted by security.

Their angle might not have worked had the audience yawned their way through it, but that live crowd were right up for some Naomi and Deville banter. Let's hope WWE were watching here - Naomi vs. Sonya could be a simmering non-title winner for the women's division if they play it smart and pull the trigger right as things reach boiling point.

Naomi has the sassy vibes to give this kind of defiant character a right good go. Truth be told, she needed to dispense with the whole inspirational dancer thing anyway. That's old hat, and this truth-spitting, fired up bad ass routine is much more watchable.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.