4 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Sept 18)

2. That Sasha Banks & Bayley Segment

Bayley Sasha Banks

WWE must wish it was WrestleMania 37 already.

It remains to be seen if they have the patience (or the content) to spin this Bayley vs. Sasha Banks story until then. Truthfully, even if they don't manage that, the match is already strong enough for Hell In A Cell. In fact, given Bayley's sick attacks on Sasha lately, that could be a solid main event.

Banks deserves a pat on the back for maintaining some of her heel-ish edge during her own promo. It'd be weird if she went from mega-bitch to happy, charming babyface all of a sudden, so credit to the 'Boss' for telling a natural story and concentrating more on why she'd want to kick Bayley's ass than please the fans.

Bayley is doing a sterling job of being vicious as well. The production truck had their fingers on the 'beep' button to censor her foul language, and the way she warned extras not to touch her was pro wrestling heel 101 goodness.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.