4 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Sept 18)


4. "You Like That, Larry?"

Big E Adam Pearce

Onto the positives.

Big E has the necessary fire and timing to be a megastar if WWE let him. He makes the best of every situation he's in, and is starting to find his own voice as a promo man rather than relying on others to chime in with catchphrases. It's also great to see him moving on from 100% comedy.

E is clever enough to lace his work with enough personality without contravening the seriousness of his segments. On SmackDown, he raised a titter by calling the unnamed security guard "Larry" ("I don't know your name! I'm gonna' call you Larry! You like that, Larry?") and then showed he's not willing to take any crap by chasing off Sheamus.

More of this sort of thing can only be good for E. WWE should take heed of the fact that he didn't even need to wrestle to be one of the most memorable parts of this week's SmackDown. This is the fire he'll need to show if he's to be Roman's next challenger.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.