4 Ups & 7 Downs From This Week's Impact Wrestling (May 24)


4. Furious Four Way Action

When it comes to Impact’s shows, whether it’s a pay-per-view or just a regular television episode, you can always count on the X Division stars to give you a match of the night time and time again. Putting that theory to test this week were Petey Williams, Ace Austin, Dez of The Rascalz, and Rohit Raju of The Desi Hit Squad.

This match combined two of the minor story arcs going on in Impact right now – Petey vs. Ace, and The Rascalz vs. The DHS. Mix that in with all the amazing manoeuvres that took place from bell to tell, and you had quite the penultimate match. Everyone got in their signature offence, from Petey’s slingshot Frankensteiner to ringside to Ace’s twisting moonsault plancha over the ropes. When push came to shove though, it would be Dez’ backflip Pele kick that got the three count.

Realistically, any of these guys could’ve done with the win, so it didn’t really matter too much who walked back through the curtain with a tick in the win column. It’s worth noting that Dez’s pinfall came against Rohit, continuing that little rivalry between the two associated groups.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.