4 Ups & 8 Downs From WWE Raw (Sep 29)
5. A Dynamics Imbalance
Robert Roode’s return to Raw Monday night further exacerbated an imbalance on the roster that is evident in one major aspect.
The face/heel dynamic is way off, at least when you look at credible threats – both for titles and for being serious competition. By headcount, there are 15 active faces (including part-timer Big Show, goofball R-Truth, tag team wrestlers Street Profits and Erik, and Titus O’Neil). That leaves nine singles face wrestlers (and two are Mysterios). Meanwhile, there are 17 heels, backing out Akira Tozawa and the injured Angel Garza leaves 15 wrestlers.
Want a great example of how off-kilter things are? The Hurt Business is easily the top heel faction on the roster, and they’ve been feuding for months almost exclusively with Ricochet, Apollo Crews and Mustafa Ali. Meanwhile a new heel faction, RETRIBUTION, has invaded WWE, and they’re feuding with… The Hurt Business.
There are no faces to step up and fill the role of loyal opposition to the invading RETRIBUTION. Heels have to step up to defend Raw.