4 Ups & 8 Downs From WWE Raw (Sep 29)
6. She’s Only 19
That literally should be the first and only consideration before WWE started going down this road of Aalyah Mysterio chatting up Murphy.
Some people freaked out early on when Aalyah showed concern for Murphy after a cage match, but they were brushed off as concern trolls. Monday night though, we saw the direct messages with the teenager wishing happy birthday to the 32-year-old, and then we saw Murphy confronting Seth Rollins aggressively about stealing his phone.
The entire thing just felt icky, with Rey’s daughter getting caught up in a story where she’s possibly being manipulated by Seth Rollins and his disciple, or she’s swooning for a much older wrestler. (If you’re wondering, Stephanie McMahon was about 23 when she started her on-screen relationship with Triple H, who was about 30 at the time.)
Maybe this will play out OK, but it didn’t feel great Monday night.