4 Ups And 2 Downs From Last Night's WWE Smackdown (Oct 11)

1. The Chin That Scores The Pin

Ellsworth Styles Ambrose

Needless to say, AJ Styles felt pretty good coming out of No Mercy. He took to the ring at the top of hour, bragging about how he beat Dean Ambrose and John Cena and basically rubbing it in the fans' faces.

Styles promised that he wasn't going to take the evening off - instead, he would be in action, facing a special opponent. Dean Ambrose came out to the ring, but Ambrose wasn't Styles's choice - James Ellsworth was! The jobber of the year came down to the ring, but before the non-title match could get underway, Daniel Bryan declared that Ambrose would be the ref.

The two had a match that saw Styles dominate Ellsworth, but Ambrose refused to count a pin or a submission for the WWE World Champion. Styles got more and more frustrated, but eventually, Ambrose nailed "The Phenomenal One" with a pair of Dirty Deeds(es), then pulled Ellsworth on top of him to give him the pin.

This wasn't a bad segment, but it felt like a weak way to build up what's supposed to be the top feud on the brand. Dean Ambrose and AJ Styles's program didn't exactly light the world on fire leading into Backlash, and it doesn't look like things will be any different this time.

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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013