4 Ups And 4 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (July 22)


4. Baron Corbin Beat Up Purple Man

Baron Corbin hurt Purple Man. Baron says, "I get you. End of the days." Purple Man says, "No Bran". "Get you." "Bran, why you do dis?" "END OF THE DAYS." After last week's proclamation that Baron Corbin was going to stick it to the NXT universe by tearing down "all of their heroes", I don't think the fans were too concerned that he was going to defeat an unnamed purple suited jobber. Corbin defeated Jesus De Leon (I had to look that name up) in a meaningless 10-second squash. Hope you enjoyed it, because if the dirtsheets are right, he's going to be doing that every week until TakeOver. Don't get me wrong, now that Baron Corbin has at least officially declared himself to be a heel, his squashes do have slightly more weight to them. Doing the same thing week after week now comes across more as crowd-baiting than aimless, but it's still a very risky strategy. Infuriating the fans is one thing, boring them is another, and it may still be the case that Corbin doesn't have the charisma necessary to ensure the former.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.