4 Ups And 4 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (June 17)

1. Balor Package Overcompensating

The Finn Balor video package was admittedly very good (more on that in the Ups section) but it's indicative of a problem that NXT struggling with right now. Kevin Owens is just too busy. He's feuding all over the place, popping up on Raw and Smackdown, issuing open challenges, feuding with Cena for the US title, feuding with Joe, so much so that Finn Balor - the #1 Contender to the NXT title, let's not forget - has had barely a look-in. Which wouldn't be as big of a problem, except it's really looking like they want to give the title to Balor in Japan on July 4th. It makes sense; it's where he made his name, achieved his greatest success, and he'll be the returning hero. Also, with Owens in hot demand on the main roster, it's time for him to move on and find a more definitive home for himself. The feud that ends in Owens being dethroned should be the hottest thing on NXT right now. Alas, that's not the case. To compensate for the fact that Owens is everywhere, they've had to reach deep into their bag of tricks to hype Balor as a credible champion. Hence the very long 'Being Finn Balor' documentary segment. It worked well, but it's no substitute for the kind of storytelling that Zayn and Owens were engaged in, out there, in front of the crowd. The top-level of NXT is in a bit of a mess right now, here's hoping that under Balor's tenure, things get a bit more focused.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.