4 Ups And 4 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (Oct 15)

1. Apollo Is Number 1

The Crews missile has been launched (how does he not yet have a signature move called that?!) and the big Apollo push starts now. The big man is still a little green on the mic - the backstage segment where he outlined his intention to win the Battle Royal felt more than a little wooden and scripted - but he's very, very good in the ring. Clearly NXT see something in him because, while it's unlikely that he's about to dethrone Finn Balor (leave that to Samoa Joe or Hideo Itami), he's being given the opportunity to hang with the champ. Will he disappoint? It's highly unlikely, the NXT universe has only seen a fraction of Apollo's move-set. He's got loads more big guns left in his arsenal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws1ez0kzAZQ The only thing that NXT has to be cautious of is pushing him further than his current ability to talk will allow. At the moment, he seems like the kind of talent that would need a manager to get fully over with the crowd, but we shall see. For now, Finn Balor vs Apollo Crews is a new and damn exciting match-up.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.