4 Ups And 4 Downs From Last Night's WWE SmackDown (July 16)


4. Sasha Banks On Main Roster Is A Major Upgrade


It would have been nice if Sasha Banks was in a match on Smackdown and if she got a win just to show people how awesome she is. Anybody that's watched NXT with any regularity knows she is one of WWE's biggest stars of the future, man or woman. Just seeing her on Smackdown, even for a one minute promo, is a major upgrade in talent because of what she brings to the table.

The trio of Naomi, Banks and Tamina are a good combination because as Naomi pointed out she's the most athletic diva, Tamina is the most powerful diva and Banks is the baddest diva. It's a good point and in Banks' case, the "bad" means good, of course. In terms of character, Banks is going to be a huge star especially once her character gets over on the main roster.

What I didn't like about the promo is the trio of Naomi, Sasha and Tamina are calling themselves "B.A.D" meaning the "Best At Dominating." That comes off as a lazy name and not that creative. Fans are supposed to call them "The Bad Group" now? It just doesn't come off like a good fit. Perhaps it will change or we'll just have to get used to it.

If you don't watch NXT a lot that's your loss, but now that Banks is on the main roster she will show WWE's larger audience just how incredible of a performer she is.


John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.