4 Ups And 6 Downs From WWE Backlash 2017
4. Cop-Out Finish

What was shaping up to be a match that competed with the United Kingdom Championship match from NXT TakeOver: Chicago was thrown a disappointing curveball when the United States Championship bout between AJ Styles and Kevin Owens ended in a countout.
After a really good-to-great match had unfolded, Styles got his foot caught in the announce table and some wires inside the table, preventing him from making it back into the ring. Owens retained his title in the countout, then got a cheapshot on AJ afterward. And just like that, the best match of Backlash had a crappy finish.
Sure, this probably will set up a rematch that might be just as good as this contest, but it’s painful sometimes when you have a really, really good match going and the ending just deflates the arena. And when your PPV is closing with Jinder Mahal, WWE Champion, you might want to reconsider that finish.