4 Ups And 6 Downs From WWE NXT 2.0 (Nov 23)

2. The Pitbull Is Power Personified

Ivy Nile

For an example of how to get a squash right on the night, look no further than Ivy Nile's mauling of Yulisa Leon on last night's show.

Exploding at her opponent with supremely accurate dropkicks and clotheslines, the Titan Games standout added some extra gloss to her devastating offence by throwing some push ups and crunches into the mix, for good measure. Leon's night was ended before long by a vicious modified Dragon Sleeper, adding another impressive notch to Nile's belt and highlighting once again how distinct she truly is in comparison to the rest of an already diverse division.

Give her a few more months to evolve and grow under the Diamond Mine learning tree and this lady has future champ written all over her.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...