4 Ups And 6 Downs From WWE NXT 2.0 (Nov 23)
3. Hair Vs. Hair Is Set For WarGames

For those wondering whether Duke Hudson's impromptu trimming of Cameron Grimes would lead to The Dogefather sporting a new look heading into this week's NXT 2.0, the sight of a slightly more cleaned up but seemingly broken former Million Dollar Champion added a bit more weight to last week's dramatic post-poker punching party.
Before long, Grimes had cut another passionate promo confessing that he'd been beaten and pushed down his entire life, only to fight back against adversity and rise up the industry. He'd then admit that his messy locks had been acting as a sort of reminder of his humble roots and that Hudson's unexpected bit off the top had robbed him of that.
It wasn't long before Hudson stopped by via tron and in a barber's chair, no less, to poke further fun and remind his nemesis that he should be thanking him for tidying him up for free. Insert line about Grimes being a troll under a bridge here. But this bickering back and forth soon resulted in Grimes laying down the challenge of a follicle fight in the form of Hair vs. Hair at WarGames. Hudson swiftly accepted, awkwardly revealing that he'd been carrying round Grimes' locks for a week in a plastic bag as the segment drew to a close. WWE heels are an odd bunch.
Against all the odds, a programme that first seemed about as deep as a freshly drizzled puddle has evolved into a quest to reclaim the pride and honour that was stolen away from our babyface against his own will. And if that doesn't float your boat, well at least somebody is going to walk out of WarGames with a slap-head. What's not to like?