4 Ups And 6 Downs From WWE Raw (June 20)
2. Elias And Ezekiel Confound Owens
You’ve got to give it up for the silliness that is the ongoing Ezekiel/Elias story, with Kevin Owens losing it more and more week by week.
Owens makes the entire story work, with Ezekiel’s earnest portrayal getting high marks as well. It’s a bad joke that is being played with a wink and a nod to the crowd, encouraging them to get in on it – and they are, every week.
Monday was a high-water mark, with Elias making his return to Raw through the magic of split screens, pre-recorded segments, and a fake beard Of course, everyone knows it, so when KO called it out, fans played along with Elias, further frustrating Owens. This ended badly for KO, as he get laid out via jumping knee and a guitar to the back.
Afterward, Owens made his way to the back to complain to Kevin Patrick and challenge Elias, Ezekiel or whomever (their younger brother Elrod?) to a match, only to then run into Ezekiel, despite having just left Elias in the ring.
Great little moment that set KO off even more as he freaked out, and we chuckled a little more.