4 Ups And Downs From This Week's TNA Impact Wrestling (Jan 25)

1. The Knockouts Booking

One of the big positives from not just this week, but the past couple of weeks, is that Impact are trying to take their Knockouts division seriously again, which is absolutely crucial to any future success they might want to achieve. WWE€™s diva division is worse than a joke €“ it is merely an offensive platform for a god awful reality show. Impact must differentiate. And differentiate they have. Havok and Gail Kim had a pretty good match (DQ finish aside) and during the match, Havok gave Gail Kim one of the most brutal knees to the face that you€™ll see in any wrestling show. It€™s hard to tell if Kim was selling really well or if the blow actually broker her eye socket, it was that damn good. This is the kind of physicality and athleticism missing from the Divas and it€™s exciting to see. But even more exciting than the match, was Impact€™s continual build to an inevitable clash between Havok and Awesome Kong. Havok has been on a rampage the last few months with her size and power, and now it seems like she may have finally met someone who can front up with her physically. Whether or not TNA knew Kong would be returning before they started pushing Havok as a monster heel doesn€™t even matter, because either by accident or design they have found themselves prepping for the best televised female feud in years. Rather than rushing it we are getting just teased with it every week, and for once Impact are building things perfectly. Let€™s just hope they don€™t make that mistake they€™ve been guilty of and rush to the end, because this one could go on for months.

Contributor for WhatCulture across the board, and professional student. Sports obsessed. Movie nerd. Wrestling tragic. Historical junkie. I have only loved three things my entire life: my family, Batman, and the All Blacks.